Special Classes
Art is an essential part of our curriculum that integrates our students' natural curiosity with processes of art while allowing them to express their unique creativity. Art enables our students to practice scientific, interpersonal, and practical interactions that are so important in life. The opportunity to explore creates new brain connections while they learn and have fun!
St. David's was thrilled to introduce Library as a special class for the 2023-24 school year! Exposure to literacy is an integral part of a rich early childhood education. Our librarian, Mrs. Hall, presents our students with a variety of literature based on Chapel stories, classroom curriculum, themes, and student interest. Our students choose and check out books on a weekly basis to enjoy at home with their families.
We have a Birthday Book program that accepts donations of books in honor of a special person’s birthday. A dedication plate with a special message to the person being honored is placed inside the front cover.
Motor Movement
Motor Movement is a daily necessity in helping our young children form healthy habits early in life. Early childhood is also when children build basic movement abilities that are the foundation for learning more complex movement skills later. Much of what our students practice is awareness of their own bodies and space as they test boundaries and practice new skills. Research shows that children who feel good about their physical abilities have a better overall view of themselves - and the games and activities are fun!
Music activates unique brain networks, supports long-term memory of lyrics (including Bible verses and stories), and encourages movement and rhythmic expression. Our students learn familiar childhood songs, fingerplays, daily chapel songs with sign language movements, and are offered many opportunities to showcase their new skills to their friends and families. Music supports language, motor, and social emotional development as children interact with others in different ways.
A child’s capacity to pronounce unfamiliar, foreign sounds and to absorb new grammar rules is highly enhanced prior to age six when acquiring language skills comes naturally and easily. Spanish is the most commonly taught and spoken second language. We offer a step up to our young students with exposure to new vocabulary and phrases through songs, stories, puppets, and repetition. ¡Nos encanta la clase de español!